Nottingham Victoria Station Plans

Nottingham Victoria Station Plans - Rolled up

Since starting this project we’ve been obsessed with finding original plans and drawings of Nottingham Victoria Station to help the project, searching and contacting countless archives over the past 2 years – only to get the same answers time and time again, ranging from ‘they don’t exist’ to ‘they were probably destroyed’.  Getting this answer so much we started to tell people the same, when asked about plans of Victoria Station.

Fast forward to May this year, myself and Ash arranged to meet in person for the first time since agreeing to work on this project together, Ash had managed to get us a behind the scenes tour of what remains of Victoria Station at Intu Victoria Centre.

Whilst on the tour we came across some old plans of Victoria Centre, which lead one of us to bring up the subject of the lack of plans for Victoria Station, to which Mark (our amazing Intu tour guide) chirped ‘Oh I know where there are some’. Our eye’s lit up, but we darn’t get too excited, as we’d been promised plans before, only to find they were ones we’d already seen.

As the tour concluded, we asked again about the plans, which prompted Mark to call his friend who apparently had them…no answer, the suspense was killing us. We said bye to Mark, and in a daze, walked out of Victoria Centre, (bare in mind Ash and I had only just met for the first time face to face, and now someone was promising us unseen plans of Nottingham Victoria Station! Plans that’d greatly help our project, lots of plans!).

Late Saturday afternoon I was at my girlfriends parents when Mark started sending over photos of the plans he’d picked up from his friend, when I started to look at them I nearly choked on my food, when I’m at the ‘in laws’ I tend to keep phone check-age down to a minimum, you know, to be polite but I couldn’t stop looking at them, I went all weird…but my girlfriend understood as soon as I told her what was going on, she knows how obsessed I’d become with any sniff of a plan of the station.

We arranged to meet Mark early the following Monday (bank holiday Monday in fact), I met Ash and we walked nervously towards the entrance to Victoria Centre,  we soon found Mark, and as cool and cucumber he escorted us to the information desk to present us a check list to sign which included numbers and descriptions of over 50 plans.

After signing the check list, we continued to the car park, at which point things started to feel like some kind of seedy drug deal. Once at Mark’s car he handed Ash a massive granny bag full to the brim of rolled up plans.

Mark escorted us back to the lift,  letting the lift doors dramatically close as he said bye. We stood there in shock and aware at the amount of plans we’d just been handed, so much so that we actually forgot to press the button to make the lift do something, standing there for a good minute or two like geeky lemons.

After a trip to Ruddington Fields to meet some new contacts there, we drove Ash back to his home with the plans (we couldn’t let him get the train with such rare items!).  Since then we’ve started to use them to the benefit of our project, Ash has corrected his platform building and started to create the cutting and retaining walls.

We’ve also started to digitise the plans by getting them professionally scanned, once complete we will start to make them available to view and download. These plans need to be shared, preserved and made easy to find.

Thanks again to Mark, his friend with the plans and Intu for letting us have a look around what remains.

9 Replies to “Nottingham Victoria Station Plans”

    1. Thanks Tom 🙂

      We were not aware of DMU’s Digital Building Heritage, but we might contact soon, thanks for letting us know about it!

    1. Ah thanks 🙂 We’d seen your project, and enjoyed it, really gives a nice idea of where stuff was.

      Sorry for the delayed response, think our site needs an overhaul soon!

      We are more active on our facebook page –

      Towards the end of the year we will most likely looking for people to help us, let us know if you’are interested 🙂

  1. I just wondered if you were going to put the scanned pictures on this website? I have also been trying to get plans for the station for years and came across similar issues to you.

    1. Hi Matt, sorry for the delay responding, we are planning to overhaul or site soon 🙂 In regards to the plans – yes we ‘plan’ to add them to their own section of the site, we were hoping to have done this by now, but think we overestimated how long it’d take us to scan them, due to their size they required a specialist scanner, which we had to pay to use. The good news is that we’ve nearly got them all scanned, so should have them all processed and live in the next month or so! If you’d like, I can send you links to the plans we have online (only a handful so far!), and we don’t have plans for everything, it’s mainly public footbridges and a few other areas, and one of the platform buildings. Are you after plans for any particular reason?

      We are more active on our Facebook page – feel free to message us there 🙂


      – Richard

  2. Hi there,
    I am a resident of Victoria Centre Apartments c& have an interest in local history, esp[ecially where I live…

    I am interested in gaining more information on the history of the old Nottingham Victoria Train Station, tracks plans, any information I can acquire…

    I would appreciate talking to you about the above…



  3. I am in the process of building a oo scale model of Nottingham Victoria Station. Track work is finished, platforms in place although made on guesswork.
    I now need plans for the buildings if and when you make the plans available I would be interested in having copies.

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